Every time you pay for a product or service a corresponding right is also attached to the transaction. This works the same with your Car Insurance. If there is something that is not to your liking you can always provide feedback to your insurance company.
However, you cannot just approach just anyone at the insurer’s office. Though it might take more time, submitting your complaint to the right person will probably mean the difference.
There are many ways to lodge your complaint but there are appropriate ways to accomplish it, to ensure that you will get heard.
Getting in touch with your Insurer
It would be a good idea if you first lodge your complaint with the person you initially transacted with.
Make it known to the person why you are making the complaint and be clear about the things that you want them to accomplish to solve the problem.
If you do not achieve progress with this person, find ways to go to the next level, a person of authority who is much higher than the one you initially referred the complaint to.
You can call or see the supervisor or manager in person to convey your complaints. It would help your cause if you speak calmly and detailing the complaint in a clear manner. Should this still not work, maybe it is time for you to opt for a written grievance.
How to write a complaint letter
If personally detailing your complaint in person or by phone does not work, a pen and paper might do the trick. However, to ensure that it gets to the right person, mark the top of the letter as well as the envelope with the word “complaint”. You should ensure that the following are included in your letter:
The name and the position of the person you want the letter to be addressed to
Include specific dates, complete names and detailed facts
Attach any pertinent documents should the need arises
Infuse it with a tone that is not offensive or provoking
Drop a line to a Complaints Department
If phone calls or written letter of complaints do not make headway, your best alternative would be to bring your complaint to this third party company. You must remember, however, that you will not be considered by the Complaint Department until you have contacted your insurer first.
You are also only allowed to contact the Complaint Department which is associated with your insurer. To obtain this information, request it from your insurer.
The resolution of your complaints through the aid of the Complaints Department is always final. This means that you cannot revert to any of the other options just to get extra funds from the insurance company.
The complaints department is the usual definitive way to finally settle a complaint unless you want to take the insurer to court. This alternative however would entail another page of discussion.
But at the end of the day, we all agree that the best way to make a complaint is to not make any at all.
This Blog was posted for you By Falcon Insurance Services in San Antonio