Madison College located in Wisconsin is a technical and community college. This summer they will be offering young girls a chance to learn how to operate power tools as well as pick up some carpentry skills. Traditionally such camps are usually held only for boys, but now it is time to move in step with the future. There is a major deficit of skilled women workers in the construction field due to the propelling of this stereotype. Summer camps like this could help solve this issue in the foreseeable future.
Girls between the ages of 13 and 15 are invited to take part in this summer camp and help break the glass ceiling. Carpentry skills and the ability to handle power tools will give the young girls confidence in their talents and even help them make decisions choosing careers as they grow up. The idea for this summer camp was brought up by Sandy Thistle, a carpenter teacher at Madison College. She faced many obstacles in learning her trade and wanted to give the young girls a better chance at choosing their vocation.
There are workshops offered to adult women as well on carpentry and even woodwork at Madison College. These workshops can help women reach a decision before considering a career change into a new and exciting field.